Latest exhibitions

2019 Exhibition: ‘Mendel’s greenhouses’

“Fruit produces seeds and every seed can become a new plant.”

Beautiful, highly detailed drawings by Jurgen Walschot accompanying the story 'De serres van Mendel' (Mendel’s greenhouses) written by Kristien Vanlierde.

Reya knows every nook and cranny of the greenhouses because she has lived there all her life, together with Mendel. He takes care of everything that lives under the large, green domes and makes sure that nothing is sown that does not belong there. One day, Reya makes a mistake that has huge consequences. For Mendel, for the greenhouses and for herself.

Mendel's greenhouses is a story about starry skies and dark cellars, about ferns and flames. And about an unlikely friendship. For friendship is much bigger than any dome.

2018 Exhibition: Boom-Boom

“The squirrels had everything: tasty acorns, sprigs and twigs to build nests with, leaves to shelter from the rain and sun, enough bark and moss to keep their nests soft and warm. In the middle of the big nothingness, this tree was everything.”

The squirrels of Eikrijk are convinced that the tree in which they live is the whole world. There is nothing else, according to them. Until a bird flies over with a twig from another tree. That discovery calls everything into question. Is there another tree? And what if there are other squirrels? Boom-Boom is a moving story about friendship, refugees and bushy tails.

The story was written by Dimitri Leue and illustrated by Sabien Clement.

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