Rates and booking conditions
Discover the rates and booking conditions for your group
Rates and booking conditions
The rates you pay in Hanenbos and the booking conditions depend on the category to which your group belongs.
Hanenbos distinguishes four groups:
- youth groups
- schools
- companies
- family groups

If you are involved in youth work and this initiative is recognised by a local (municipal), provincial or Flemish government, then you belong to category 1.
To benefit from this rate in Hanenbos, it is possible that we may request official proof of your status.
Reservation period: maximum 3 years in advance
If you are a different type of domestic youth group, a domestic school group or any other type of care group, then you belong to category 2.
For participation in activities or a stay of your group in Hanenbos, the rate of this category applies.
Reservation period: maximum 2.5 years in advance

If you are a foreign youth group, a school or a domestic socio-cultural group, then you belong to category 3 when participating in activities or for a stay in Hanenbos.
Reservation period: maximum 2 years in advance
If you are a family group, a group of adults or if you belong to a company, then the rates are determined according to category 4 and we will charge VAT.
Reservation period: maximum 1.5 years in advance